Summer at Birka
The high season is in full swing – the museum & restaurant are open daily. Café Eldrimner is open daily between June 24 and August 11. After Midsummer week several boats from various towns and harbors around Lake Mälaren arrive to Birka. This is the period for you that want to journey from other destinations than just Stockholm area, go swimming in the mythical lake and extended opening hours for the flexible visitor.
June 23-29
Children’s Birka
This week focus are on child- and family-friendly activities like archery, storytelling, grind flour and bake bread like in Viking age and Viking games.
June 28-29
Seeresses and Old Norse Magic
Welcome to a themed weekend focusing on the seeress and Old Norse magic. Join a guided tour of the archaeological site with archaeologist and Birka expert Linda Wåhlander, where we will visit Birka’s potential seeress graves. Meet Birka’s seeress among our Viking houses, where she will talk about magical herbs and plants—and perhaps even read your fate in the runes. Listen to lectures on the subject by world-renowned archeology professors.
July 8-26
Vikings at Birka
Vikings, Vikings and more Vikings in the reconstructed village! The association Birka-Hovgårdens Gille has taken over the village during three weeks. Explore their daily tasks, talk to skilled craftsmen or explore the viking boats by the jetty and hang around with the reenactors.
July 23-26
Strong Viking
Experience the success Strong Viking at Birka – a strength competition in harmony between past and present competition disciplines. Do you like carrying sticks and stones, do you want to join the competition? There are also try-on stations for everyone.
New! Do you want to see the final of Starke Viking’s brutal four-day competition, Birkas Elddop on July 26? Book our special departure from Stockholm. The departure times are adapted so that you can see the entire final. Do you want to join the competition? sign up here:
August 16-17
The Dog – The Viking’s Best Friend!
It will be a weekend filled with activities for those whose hearts beat for our four-legged friends. This event is organized in collaboration with the Swedish Icelandic Sheepdog Club.
The program includes herding demonstrations, a dog parade, cuddle and petting zones, a trivia walk for both humans and dogs, lectures about dogs in archaeological contexts and the Icelandic Sheepdog, and much more.
Of course, we also offer guided tours of Birka’s archaeological site and museum visits.
August 30-31
Theme Ansgar – The Apostle of the North
The apostel of the north is back! Ansgar was a French monk who came to the pagan Birka in the 9th century to preach Christianity, but in the North, Odin and Thor were worshipped and resistance and conflicts arose. Listen to Ansgar himself talk about his dramatic journeys to Birka, stormy negotiations, and evil sudden death in a city far away in the wilderness.
Dramatized guided tour, visit the Ansgar Chapel, and lectures.
September 4-21
Autumn at Birka
Do you want to enjoy autumn with open landscapes, fresh weather, maybe some mushroom picking, fewer visitors and short restaurant queues on a small island surrounded by the waters of Mälaren? Then this is the period to visit Birka for you!
During this period, the museum and restaurant are open Thursday - Sunday
Contact Details
Birka, Sweden